Castellum Capital Management
Castellum Capital Management uses Separately Managed Accounts (SMAs) in the Client’s name. SMAs are a safe, transparent, and convenient investment vehicle. Specifically, SMAs reduce the risk of custody, pooling, or comingling of funds for investors. Interactive Brokers is our custodian and broker. We do all of our research in-house, and we customize it for the Opportunistic Value Strategy. Therefore, we have no soft dollar arrangements. We use Interactive Brokers’ Smart Routing technology for best trade execution.
We strive to create the most beneficial investment structure for our clients. Thus, there is no lock-up period or redemption gate. We only request a 30 day period prior to redemption to ensure best execution for the Client. Management fees are 1% annually, billed monthly, and performance fees are 20% of annual return, billed annually. However, performance fees are subject to a Highwater Mark from any previous year. The Highwater Mark ensures Clients will not be charged a performance fee for generating the same return as prior periods if there were losses in the interim.
We serve high net worth individuals, family offices, and institutional investors. Therefore, our Clients are Accredited Investors or Qualified Purchasers and Qualified Clients as defined by the SEC. $200,000 is the minimum investment amount for a SMA. We manage all Client accounts the same under the Opportunistic Value Portfolio. As such, we allocate trades to Client SMAs on a pro-rata basis using an Institutional Master Account structure.
Michael Bonander founded Castellum Capital Management LLC in 2021. Michael built the Opportunistic Value Investment Strategy over several years with the intent of starting a RIA to provide it as a service for Clients. We are registered in the states of South Dakota, Iowa, and Minnesota.